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Building Muscle, Getting Stronger, and Moving Better – JUST GOT EASIER! And You Are FINALLY Going To Start Smashing PR’s in the Gym Again
WARNING: The Absolute Worst Thing You Can Do If You’ve Been Feeling Run Down or Your Joints Are Tight and Achy…
Is STOP going to the gym. Trust me, I know! The saying goes, “movement is medicine” – and it is absolutely true. You have to keep moving.
This was probably the worst advice I’ve ever been given over the last 34+ years I’ve been in the gym. Yeah, rest is important, but so is the quality of your life. I don’t know about you but I not only want to live longer but I also want to have a better quality of life. The truth (that I learned the hard way) is that if you sit around all day ‘resting’ your aches and pains – they get worse!
The second piece of bad advice is more of a fitness ‘myth’ – and it goes like this…
The only way to get bigger and stronger is to keep adding weight to the bar. Well, after 34+ years in the gym and over 20+ years as a strength coach, this has to be one of the worst lies that trainers want you to believe. What if I told you that the real advice – learned from being in the trenches and training hundreds of athletes is, take weight OFF the bar.
Sounds crazy, right?
Let me know if you’ve heard this one, “Always do your big barbell lifts at the start of every workout!” I’ve heard this very common programming advice so many times over the years that I stopped trying to argue about it. The true answer for lifters and athletes who have been crushing it in the gym for years might be the complete opposite – put your heavy barbell training at the END of your workout.
You’ve probably never heard any trainer say this to you.
Finally, the biggest training myth that most uninformed trainers believe, “The warm-up should be the first thing you should do when you first step into the gym.” While this is true, there is a better way to think about ‘better movement’ exercises you do in a typical warm-up. These exercises can be used throughout the workout AFTER the main warm-up as a means of ‘active rest’ that continue to help you train better!
If some of these myths sound familiar and you’re confused about how to train better, let me tell you about a…

If you’re a meathead like me, designing the perfect workout isn’t so simple. Because we’ve always been told, the ONLY way to progress in the gym is to ADD MORE WEIGHT TO THE BAR. And, if you miss your reps, just shorten up the range of motion, throw on a belt, put on some neoprene wraps – and hit it again. But, with my many years of coaching lifters and athletes, I’m here to tell you that old school mentality is out-of-date and it will get you injured! That doesn’t work for me anymore and guess what?!
It shouldn’t work for you either, especially if your goal is to train for the rest of your life. If you’re a serious lifter, you understand that fitness is a lifelong journey. My journey took me on a quest to solve the mystery of training longevity because I didn’t like how beat up I felt every time I left the gym. I finally said enough was enough! Fitness should help you move better and feel better. Not force you to move like the tin man for 3 days after every workout.
Here’s the good news, I found the solution and I can’t wait to tell you about…
The answer is the new Ageless Athlete 3.0 program. Trust me, the complete Ageless Athlete 3.0 program will quickly become your favorite program (and complete training system) and I know you’re going to use it for the rest of your life! It is THAT powerful and that life-changing!
Let me explain.
The AA3.0 program is a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ system of training where you get to pick your favorite exercises – the exact exercises you need to immediately improve your training – and plug them right into the workout template. So this means that as you change, the program changes. This also means that every time you repeat the 12-week program, it will be a completely new program!
You might be asking yourself, “To make this program perfect for me and to get results – how do I know which exercises are right for me?”
I got you covered! The right exercises for you are the ones that don’t cause you pain and you can use good technique. Here is how I’m going to help you find which exercises you need. I give you a simple (and proven) Ageless Athlete self-assessment you use to figure out exactly where you’re tight and where you’re weak. This quick tool will give you the exact blueprint for which exercises you should use in your workouts. Here’s the best part, if you know what exercises are right for you, every single workout will leave you feeling amazing and you will leap forward toward your goals after every training session!
But the AA3.0 program is much more than all other workouts you’ve done…
That’s because each workout contains built-in ‘move better right now and feel amazing’ resets programmed into every training session! But that’s not all! I told you, we’re focused on training for a lifetime around here. In addition to the movement resets, I also created some of the most effective upper body, lower body, and full body mobility routines that work as the finisher to every workout. These routines are a gamechanger that will jumpstart your recovery and get you ready for the next workout. They will literally help you leave the gym feeling better than when you got there!
Along with the simple-to-follow workouts that you will customize just for you, I have expanded the Ageless Athlete exercise library to over 400+ exercises. The VIP exercise index walks you step-by-step through the comprehensive warm-ups, the Super 7 mobility routines, the intraworkout resets, the advanced training protocols that form the foundation of the Ageless Athlete system, how to perform the big barbell lifts, and all of the joint-friendly exercises that won’t cause you pain and allow you to train harder than ever before.
I’ve organized the Ageless Athlete Video Quick Reference Guide for the entire exercise database into different sections: the special routines, the move better, feel better exercises, the warm-ups, all of the exercise variations for each strength training movement pattern, and my favorite best-of-the-best live training sessions for each body part – you will be able to see the Ageless Athlete system in action! You are not going to believe how huge this exercise index is and how it will easily be the key to taking your workouts to the next level!
And don’t forget about the AA3.0 warm-ups. They contain the absolute most effective exercises I’ve learned over the last 20 years as a strength coach to make every workout world-class! These critical warm-ups will get your joints moving, fire up the right muscle groups, and quickly prepare your body to train at its absolute best. We knew they would add a TON of value to this program and bring BIG time results to every single one of your workouts!
Because we know that athletes, businessmen, coaches, trainers, and Average Joe’s need this important program to turn their training around – and no one wants a bunch of “fluff” or “filler” – we are cutting to the chase and are showing you what’s in the AA3.0 complete package…
12-Week Ageless Athlete 3.0 Program
The AA3.0 Self-Assessments
The AA3.0 Super 7 Mobility Protocols
The AA3.0 Intraworkout Resets Library
The Ageless Athlete 3.0 Workout Sheets
18 Advanced Training Protocols
Over 400+ Follow-Along AA3.0 Exercise Library
4 Super Effective Warm-up Routines (Including the New World’s Greatest Warm-up!)

The important lesson is, you can’t stop training; you have to keep going! The Ageless Athlete system is the program you need to get you back into the gym – and GET YOU OUT OF PAIN!

The Ageless Athlete 3.0 Main Manual
The revolutionary new Ageless Athlete 3.0 program is here and ready to set your training on fire! The Ageless Athlete training model will literally change your workouts forever! Designed for the ‘ageless athlete’ and lifter who have been in the trenches playing sports and training for many years, the program will help you move better, feel better, and train better! With the never-before-seen intraworkout resets, Super 7 mobility protocols, Diesel Blast sets, 1:1, Diesel Block training, and repeatable customizable workouts, and much more…Get ready to have the best workouts of your life!

The Ageless Athlete 3.0 Workout Sheets
Ageless Athlete 3.0 comes with 12-weeks of custom formatted workouts that you can print-and-go right to the gym and start training immediately. Create your own personal training log as you track and record your progress through all 4-phases of the program. These printable workout sheets are critical for recording your records so that you can be dialed in every time you step into the gym!

The Ageless Athlete 3.0 Exercise Library
The massive Ageless Athlete Video Library contains all of the intraworkout resets, warm-up drills, main exercises, foam rolling techniques, supplemental exercises, and live workouts you need to get the most out of each and every training session. Good technique is critical for staying safe and progressing in the gym. That is why every single exercise in the program is recorded to show you the step-by-step proper technique.
Let Me Tell You a Quick Story About Myles…
One of my best friends and lifting partners, Myles, used to be an amateur bodybuilder. But life got in the way. Years at a corporate job and the stresses of life took him away from the weights. He reached out to me and he was desperate. I could hear it in his voice. He was in chronic back pain (and had been for the last two years) and he was absolutely miserable. He had stopped going to the gym and it seriously affected his everyday life. He was depressed and desperate for change. The first thing I told him was, “You can never get too far away from the weights.” Strength training is your daily mindset reset – it is your meditation. Your mood and your ability to be there for those who are counting on you – depends on YOU being strong, both mentally and physically.
However, life got in the way for Myles – like it does for everyone. He stopped thinking about going to the gym, because he was in so much pain, and he knew he couldn’t do much of anything once he got there.
I told him to come see me, and after applying the Ageless Athlete principles and ‘move better’ strategies (comprehensive warm-ups, Super 7 mobility routines, intraworkout resets) over the course of 4 weeks, he is training again and setting new goals! And here is the best part, he went golfing and walked all 18 holes!

The bottom line is that the Ageless Athlete Training System is tested & proven to help you move better, feel better, and get better results in the gym. All you have to do is consistently incorporate the warm-ups, recovery strategies, and workouts – and you will get stronger, build muscle, and feel better! If you honestly test out the system for 12 weeks and it doesn’t work for you, then email our customer support team and we’ll refund your investment. We stand behind this product 100% and there is absolutely no risk. We guarantee this product’s effectiveness and are committed to your success.

Being able to train for a lifetime is about finding out what the best exercises are for you and then putting them in a balanced program focused on getting stronger, building more muscle, and moving better. Don’t get stuck in a rut with a ‘cookie-cutter’ program that wasn’t specifically designed for you! That is the fast track to nowhere. You need to take back control of your training and start doing workouts that have you leaving the gym with a spring in your step and the results you want!
The Ageless Athlete program is not just a program, it is a system of training that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. It contains the best warm-up exercises (wait until you try the World’s Greatest Warm-up (WGM), the best ‘move better, feel better’ mobility drills, a structured plug-and-play 12-week program (that can be repeated forever), easy to follow printable workout sheets, some of the most advanced training protocols you’ve ever seen, a massive arsenal of the best-of-the-best follow-along exercises that you can plug into the program to create the best workouts of your life.
I’ve been in the gym training for over 34 years and I know what works, and more importantly, I know what doesn’t. And, as a strength coach of over 20 years, I know what problems all lifters and athletes go through trying to change their body and improve their performance. The Ageless Athlete system works and I guarantee it because I’ve been testing and updating the protocols for the last 20 years. I know it is going to change how you train forever.
If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, you need to grab your copy of Ageless Athlete 3.0 right now!

- 12-Week Ageless Athlete 3.0 Program
- The AA3.0 Self-Assessments
- The AA3.0 Super 7 Mobility Protocols
- The AA3.0 Intraworkout Resets Library
- The Ageless Athlete 3.0 Workout Sheets
- 18 Advanced Training Protocols
- Over 400+ Follow-Along AA3.0 Exercise Library
- 4 Super Effective Warm-up Routines
- (Including the New World’s Greatest Warm-up!)
- The Original Ageless Athlete Program with Steve Maxwell!

- Full Ageless Athlete 2.0 and 3.0 Programs
- 12-Week Ageless Athlete 2.0 Program
- 12-Week Ageless Athlete 3.0 Program
- The AA3.0 Self-Assessments
- The AA3.0 Super 7 Mobility Protocols
- The AA3.0 Intraworkout Resets Library
- The Ageless Athlete 2.0 Workout Sheets
- The Ageless Athlete 3.0 Workout Sheets
- 29 Advanced Training Protocols
- Over 400+ Follow-Along AA3.0 Exercise Library
- 4 Super Effective Warm-up Routines
- (Including the New World’s Greatest Warm-up!)
- The Original Ageless Athlete Program with Steve Maxwell!